Going Crazy for Bananas

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Eat bananas B A N A N A S is verses in a tune sung by Gwen Stefani. Have you had your fill today of this organic product that is high in Potassium?

Bananas have been around for quite a while and contrast from a "plantain". Plantain's are more dull and less sweet, are eaten cooked as opposed to crude like a banana and the skin on a plantain is thicker and arrives in an assortment of hues, for example, green, dark or yellow.

The familiar adage "cash doesn't develop on trees" additionally applies to bananas. Bananas don't develop on trees it is possible that; they originate from the biggest herbaceous blooming plant. The banana plant develops all over the ground from a structure more often than not called a corm. This plant develops exceptionally tall up to 25' and has a thick stalk that could be confused for a trunk. The new fake leaves or Pseudostem can develop to be 9' long.

At the point when the plant is full grown, it quits creating new leaves and starts to shape a bloom spike or inflorescence. 'A stem creates which grows up inside the Pseudostem, conveying the youthful inflorescence until inevitably it rises at the top.'1 Each banana plant delivers a solitary inflorescence that is otherwise called the banana heart. This plant stem or Pseudostem ceases to exist and as a rule produces branches from the base so that the way toward delivering more bananas rehashes itself.

The first occasion when I saw a banana plant and had the chance to witness how they are developed was wonderful. Every banana is shaped within the inflorescence that contains numerous bracts that sit in the middle of lines of blossoms. They create and develop in the banana heart as groups, made up of a few levels. There can be up to 20 bananas for each every level and upwards of 20 levels for every cluster.

For a banana plant to develop can take anyplace between 9-12 months. This all relies on upon the area of the plant, the daylight and the glow of the roots. The banana plant blooms following 12 months however in the tropics typically around 9 months because of the warm temperature and dampness noticeable all around.

Here are some intriguing and fun certainties about bananas:

- 110 supplement thick calories for each serving (126 grams, or one medium-sized banana)

- A dynamite, heart-sound sustenance when incorporated into an eating regimen low in soaked fat and cholesterol.

- Naturally sans fat, without cholesterol and sans sodium

- A great wellspring of potassium, dietary fiber, manganese and vitamins B6 and C

- Bananas are actually radioactive. This originates from the way that they contain generally high measures of potassium. In particular, they contain Potassium-40, which is a radioactive isotope of potassium.

- Eating a banana can perk you up! They are the main organic product to contain the amino corrosive tryptophan in addition to vitamin B6, which together helps the body, produce seratonin, the characteristic substance which reduces mental sorrow.

- Where did they originate from? Palatable bananas developed from a plant in the Indo-Malaysian district. Most advanced bananas are developed in tropical areas like South America, Central America and the Caribbean.

- Americans eat a bigger number of bananas than apples and oranges consolidated. Truth be told, the normal American eats 27 pounds of bananas consistently.

- Add a one in one of your most loved smoothie formulas or make your most loved banana smoothie.


1. Wikipedia.org http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana

2. Intriguing and Fun Facts about Bananas - Provided by Chiquita Bananas http://www.chiquitabananas.com