On the pedestrians

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Some Understanding passerby offices all through the building are corresponding given to people on foot to give administrations to smooth, wellbeing and comfort and security for walkers. Person on foot way is the way assigned for strolling, can be a walkway, crosswalk plot (zebra intersections or passerby pelicans), and the intersection is not a plot. Walkways are person on foot ways situated on the Regional Road Owned by covering the surface with rise higher than the surface of the asphalt, and by and large parallel to the vehicle activity path.

Zebra intersection is an intersection offices for people on foot prepared plot markers for part solidness/limit in doing direction. Crossing. Pelikan is an office for people on foot crossing plot which is furnished with markings and activity lights lau controller. Stream Walking is the quantity of people on foot that pass a specific penapang, which is normally communicated by the quantity of people on foot per unit time (passerby/min). Slows down Wait is an office to incidentally stop people on foot in doing intersections, intersections can be ceased briefly while sitting tight for the following chance to intersections. The office is put in the middle of the street.

Strolling - Facilities

1) Pedestrian comprises of:

a) Sidewalks

b) Crossing piece: Zebra intersection and intersection Pelikan

c) The intersection Tak piece: Bridge and Tunnel intersections

2) Stalls hold up

3) Lamp lighting

4) Signs

5) Fencing

6) Marka road.

7) Protective/Shades